Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Profile

My profile….hmm where to begin…well first thing my name is Hamdan Omar for short, my full name is way too long to remember so I leave it to that. I was born on January 16th, 1988. So that would make me 20 years old now…I think, I’ll have to make sure about that with my twin, oh yea, I forgot to mention I’m a twin, well now you know. Obviously were the same age but I’m older by 2 min, that might not seem much of a difference, but to me it does, it’s proves I’m older (:P).Most people get shocked or amazed at the fact I am a twin, like how you are now, and ask me the most common questions that I hear all the time…“DO YOU THINK ALIKE?!”, we don’t have any special powers, but if we did then that would be amazing. We are the oldest ones in the family…I mean I am! After us is my younger sister then brother. We are all born in Abu Dhabi, capital of the emirates.

As a child I was very wild and rebellious, I was one of those kids or rugrats who would cause chaos during the night. One time I saw a spider in the corridor to the kitchen, I started staring at it for quite a while it got boring since it was barely moving so I wanted to burn it and watch it die. I went to the kitchen to get tissue and lit it, through the excitement I felt, I completely didn’t think I would burn my hand before I reach that spider. I dropped the burning tissue on the carpet and watched it burn the carpet instead…sadly I couldn’t find that spider to try again. As a teenager I was still the same but this time the chaos was in school, I got in trouble several times to a point where they had a filled in detention slip waiting for me at the office to pick up. My life was unstable since I was moving school all the time; I’ve been to 4 schools, and the last one was in Canada. I studied there for my last 2 years of high school, and lived there with my grandparents. After I came back, I realized how important education is for my future and changed my ways, and being more responsible. Hopefully I’ll have a great job that I enjoy and that would support me, and later on support my family when I get married.

Travelling to Canada was an exciting experience for me at first but then got frustrating since most of the time there it was winter. But I got to meet different people and experience new things like Tim Hortons, a famous brand known to everyone who lives in Canada; it’s similar to dunkin donuts but even better. I travelled to few other places before Canada. I’ve been to Kenya, Malaysia, Paris, London, and Singapore. Kenya was amazing, going on safaris and seeing wild animals, meeting people from Masai tribes who were really tall and made me feel like a midget or going around town, the best thing is that everything is cheap; I was living like a king.

In my free time at home I usually play my guitar, I’m still learning but hopefully I’ll become a pro at that, or my weekends I would go out with a couple of friends relaxing in cafés or restaurants. Sometimes go for special events like concerts, or going to Dubai. Although going to Dubai is a big problem when it comes to traffic, I usually plan before I start moving. One of the things I would love to do if I had chance is sky diving or bungee jumping. It’s a dangerous game but life is all about risks, not taking risks makes life really boring. Sometimes I also go to the movies, if there is a good movie playing. Abu Dhabi is a calm city, not much happens here but I got use to it.

That’s all I can say about my past, present and future. I hope you found my profile interesting, or else….Also don’t forget to write a comment about my profile

1 comment:

Frankie Sutton said...

I agree, life is about taking risks.