Friday, June 6, 2008

My carbon footprint

As we know, global warming exists and we are the cause for it getting worse. Every individual on this earth has his/her negative impact on the earth’s environment. This negative impact is also known as carbon footprint, a method in which it evaluates how much carbon emission is released from our daily routine activities. Every individual’s evaluation differs from the other, as for myself, my carbon footprint is 12.79 tonnes per annum.

This result personally shocks me and tells me that I have a problem of not being environmentally responsible. I own a car which involves most in my carbon footprint, and that I travel a lot by car especially on the weekends when I go to Dubai. Another major problem is that I sometimes forget to switch off electric consuming devices, like my computer, which runs almost every day.

The solution to these problems is that I have to be more responsible and caring for the environment. I could start off by looking for a car which is more environment friendly, which consumes less fuel, this way I would release less carbon emissions from my car. Secondly I need to limit myself on my trips for entertainment, and think more of ways to help the environment. Finally I would need to get into the habit of switching off electric devices which I’m not using.

In conclusion, every individual doesn’t release how much of a difference he/she can make over a year unless they would calculate their own carbon footprint. Then the evaluation would shock them and make them more aware of what negative impact they are causing to the earth.

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